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发布时间: 2022-07-04 19:05:39

㈠ 请英语专业的帮忙翻译下,不要用翻译软件 由于国土狭窄和资源贫乏,日本一直把开发海洋资源置于优

Scientific visualization of environmental information provides a means to present data for environment managers in a more intuitive way consistent with human cognition. It helps to explain the essential factors or the pattern and relationship of phenomena in the environment, and helps to perform predications. In this paper, we looked at both the 2D and 3D dynamic representation of environmental data, we reviewed and summarized research results of scholars at home and abroad on the scientific visualization of environmental information, and based on that, we proposed this research, a simulated study with the support of ArcGIS on annual dynamic changes of air pollutant concentration in various regions of Nanjing. 诚意人工翻译。如果有看不懂的地方,欢迎追问。

㈡ 缺乏用英语怎么说

缺乏lack,deficiency,insufficiency,be short of你是用什么词性自己变化,数就是count
预测forecast,predict 使。。。沮丧 frustrate、depress 完美perfect

㈢ 资源用英语怎么说


㈣ 问:求英语大神帮忙翻译: “当今,世界面临着资源匮乏,能源短缺,粮食匮乏的问题。” 不要谷歌翻译什

Nowadays, the world is facing problems like lack of resources, shortage of energy and shortage of food supply.


㈤ 贫乏的意思


[poor;short;lacking] 贫穷,穷困;枯竭
1.穷困,贫困。《战国策·齐策四》:“ 齐 人有 冯谖 者,贫乏不能自存,使人属 孟尝君 ,愿寄食门下。” 晋 葛洪 《<抱朴子>自叙》:“年十六,始读《孝经》、《论语》、《诗》、《易》,贫乏无以远寻师友。” 清 阎尔梅 《上史阁部书》:“夫他人之所谓知己,不过文章延举,仕进提携,以及患难贫乏,意气殷殷耳。” 许地山 《空山灵雨·债》:“我看见许多贫乏人、愁苦人,就如该了他们无量数的债一般。”
2.贫民。 汉 袁康 《越绝书·外传计倪》:“开仓谷,贷贫乏。” 唐 康骈 《剧谈录·宰相布施》:“ 乾符 中,有宰相自中书还第,使人以布囊盛钱数千,沿路以施丐者,于是贫乏相牵罗路隅。” 清 戴名世 《先君序略》:“居乡好赈恤贫乏,乡老大夫莫不加敬焉。”
3.欠缺,不足。 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》六:“从它的反面看,就见得现在通行的教育的贫乏、不健全。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·核心》:“一味在那里讲究词章,讲究文采,而思想贫乏以至错误的人,不可能写出好作品。”

㈥ 就自然资源来说,它是欧洲最贫乏的国家之一英语翻译

In terms of natural resources,it is one of the poorest countries in Europe.

㈦ 急!! !资源贫乏是什么意思详细一点。。谢了!

资源 :
zī yuán

贫乏 :

㈧ “人类将面临资源匮乏的年代”的英语怎么说 如题

Human beings are going to face the decade that lacks source

㈨ 请翻译成英语,专业人士来,不能用翻译软件。 由于国土狭窄和资源贫乏,日本一直把开发海洋资源

Due to narrow territory and poor resources, Japan is always taking prior to developing marine resources, strongly advocating development of fishery, shipbuilding instry, offshore oil and
gas instries. Recently, Japan positively develops three technologies through marine resources----conversion of thalassothermal energy, extraction of uranium in sea, and mining in deep sea. Janpanese government and instries believe, that overdependence on international instrial raw materials may cause fragility of Janpanese instries. Therefore, they attach great importance to utilization of marine resources which is strategic tasks in a long run.

㈩ 翻译:其次,自然资源匮乏的问题也日益突出,伴随着人类无节制无休止的开采(接下)

Next, the scarcity of natural resources has become a more and more obvious problem. With the noncontrolled and endless exploitation, a serious problems have appeared, for example, such natural resources as coal, petroleum and natural gas have decreased sharply. In some countries and areas, people can not live a normal life or even hardly survive e to water shortage.